We often get the question what the basis of an emotion is. There are 8 different and important emotions that a person can experience. Of course there are many more but we can't discuss them all. At number 1 is love. This can be experienced in different ways. At number 2 is fear, being afraid of something or a situation. Then there is joy, which you feel when something is going well. And then you also have sadness what you experience when a less good situation or death. You can also be surprised. This can be defined as being surprised by something. Then there is shame, what you experience when you don't feel comfortable with something. And last but not least disgust. This is when you don't agree with someone or find it abnormal what someone else is doing.

Why is basic emotion important?

The basis of an emotion is an important part of awareness. By experiencing an emotion we know what we are feeling. But you must also be able to understand them. It is useful if you know why you are happy or sad. Then you can embrace the happy situations in most cases. And you can look for a solution to prevent a sad situation. You can feel love for your children or a pet, for example. But you can also have found your life partner and feel love for them. Shame is something you have to learn to deal with. When you have a size more you get this quickly. It is important to close yourself off from this feeling. Or you can try to soften by accepting yourself.

The benefits

The advantage of a basic emotion is that you know yourself. So you know exactly when you are happy or sad. However with disgust you experience a completely different feeling. You don't like something and you have to accept that. Then you go back to a happy feeling. But you can also surprise yourself. This is a nice feeling because you did not see it coming. However, you must love surprises. Then you can also feel sad. An important process in grief is acceptance. When you accept something, it becomes a little easier. But then you must also learn to deal with the situation. This is a process that takes time. Do not rush too much to get this done because then you make it difficult for yourself.

The function of basic emotion

The function of a basic emotion is the most important function of the mind. By feeling emotions we let our brain know how we feel about ourselves. Then the brain responds to that. With sadness you will find that you suddenly start to cry. This is the awareness of sadness. But when you are happy you will start to smile. This is a sign that you feel good about yourself. Surprised is expressed in different expressions. You can be positively and negatively surprised. With fear you see different expressions. Some people jump on the bed and get totally panicked. But other people are laughing their heads off. In daily life we experience up to 100 emotions a day. You only have to look at what you are feeling. And of course which expression goes with it,

Why we value a basic emotion

We all value the basis of an emotion. This shows us how we feel about ourselves. But it also shows your feelings to the outside world. An emotion shows a facial expression. And that says more than a 1000 words. It also allows us to assess people. If someone is sad, you put your arm around them. But if someone is too happy you want to slow them down. In case of disgust we will often confront each other. And love can express itself in many other things. You can show love by buying something for someone. But you can also express love between the sheets.


Basic emotion is an important part for the whole day. It allows us people to understand and experience how someone else feels. This gives us insights into life that you cannot describe with words. People can wear a mask but the expression of a face reveals many basic emotions. This allows us to help people with their feelings. But we can also share the feeling with each other. You can also use emotions to show appreciation. You can do this by being happy or by showing that you love someone with love. You can have love for loved ones and family.

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