It's good of you to let me know I'm thinking of you. This is because you give someone a little push in the back. You can do that when someone is sick, for example. He or she will be pleased that you are thinking of him or her. But you can also think about someone for other reasons. For example because of the things he or she has done for you in life. It's also nice to let people know you're thinking of them during the holidays. It is also often used by the dead among us. People support each other with a bunch of flowers or cards. This way people know you are thinking of them.

Offering a helping hand

You can offer a helping hand by just letting me know I'm thinking of you. It is a motivation for people to continue. For example, when having a rough time. Then support does so well that people feel better about themselves. This also benefits the process of processing that person. It often helps many times better than professional help. And how much effort does it cost exactly? Very little but you can change a life of someone.

Why just let you know I'm thinking about you

Just letting you know I'm thinking of you results in a lot of appreciation. The person is often grateful that you take the time and effort for him or her. But you also get a compliment from others for the good support you give to family or friends. Your happiness hormone will also respond to this. And so you are always good at yourself.

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